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August 2020 - World Cookie Summit Recordings
Daily Cookie Tutorials
Day 1 with Pinar -Tie Dye Watercolor Heart- @Pinarspatisserie (9:11)
Day 2 with Justine @Thecookiebank (40:35)
Day 3 with Meagan -Watercolor Geode Hexagon- @Frosten_by_meagan (18:19)
Day 4 with Lucie -Giraffe Pool Floatie- @Lucie.bakes (6:01)
Day 5 with - Renee -Pressure Piped Eucalyptus Leaf- @sweetcheeksbyrenee (5:44)
Day 6 with Andi -Neon Sun- @kirkiekookies (10:05)
Day 7 with Timbo -Cookie Modeling, Sculpting, & Bare Cookie Airbrushing & BONUS Crab Boil Cookies- @cakesbytimbo (92:43)
Daily Mitzi Lives
Mitzi Day 1 (46:26)
Mitzi Day 2 (52:20)
Mitzi Day 3 (49:30)
Mitzi Day 4 (59:37)
Mitzi Day 5 (64:24)
Mitzi Day 6 (56:19)
Mitzi Day 7 (148:04)
Instructor Q&A Panel - Day 8 (57:57)
Day 1 Homework (11:31)
Day 2 Homework
Day 3 Homework (20:29)
Day 4 Homework
Day 5 Homework
Day 6 Homework (15:11)
Day 7 Homework
Bonus Items
Backstage Pass with Instructors (84:45)
A Buyers Guide Resource Tool
The Best Ever Giant Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie with Oreo and Caramel Recipe (4:45)
Your New Favorite Cookie - The Extra Large Stuffed White Chocolate Funfetti and Marshmallow (5:11)
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Mitzi Day 1
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